
  1. SinaDeveloper

    Android Question Keystore expiration built with B4A

    Hello If I make a keystore inside B4A today, how long will it be valid? As you know, in B4A, it is not possible to enter the expiration time for the key store, so what will this time be by default? I build some of my apps with B4A, some with Flutter, and some with Kotlin in Android Studio. I...
  2. Lucas Siqueira

    Wish #SignKeyFile and #SignKeyPassword in B4I

    Please put #SignKeyFile and #SignKeyPassword on b4i, the same way you have on android, I work as a freelancer, every time I go to work on a different project I have to keep changing the folder path for signatures and files, the same thing happens with passwords, I always have to change them. It...