ICS Like Horizontal Seekbar help


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I am using the Class, ICS Like Horizontal and Vertical Seekbars as found from here:

I am loading a Horizontal seek bar from the class into a panel in my activity.

My panel scrolls up and down on the page (as my layout is too big for the screen)

Just noticed if I scroll the seek bar left and right it's fine, but when you move it left/right and the user doesn't do it straight and they move up/down while they move the seek bar it will automatically scroll to the end (max) of the seek bar.

Is there a way to stop the scroll of the panel while scrolling the seek bar or stop the seek bar from going to the end of the seek bar ?

Hope someone can help me.


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Anyone able to help me out or is there another type of seek bar I can use that allows me to use a custom color and also allowing me to have a text value on the seek bar as well ?
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I have now got it working.. Thanks to Informatix

For those who want to know here is how...

Private Sub mbBackground_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
   Dim r as Reflector
   r.Target = Sender
   r.RunMethod2("requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent", True, "java.lang.boolean")

Replace also line#135:
Case mbActivity.ACTION_UP
Case 1, 3 'UP/CANCEL
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