
  1. P

    B4J Question mysql resultset to xml

    So I'm most likely just being a bit thick today but i can't get my head around how to get this to work; The aim being to have an xml builder populated from a database. 'Handler class Sub Class_Globals Private mreq As ServletRequest 'ignore Private mresp As ServletResponse 'ignore '...
  2. P

    B4J Question String parse

    Hi Everyone! Gotten stuck trying to receive some data from a post request and put it into a database, I get data like this; 'PIRTIMEOUT 001306894=5000' I need to put the 5000 (**** in the code)part into the database the other number being the device number (Num, in the code) it has to go...
  3. KMatle

    Other jShell: MySQLDump.exe (does not work) vs. batch file (works)

    I'm trying to use jShell to run MySQLDump.exe to dump a database: DumpDB.Initialize("DumpDB","C:/xampp/mysql/bin/mysqldump.exe" , _ Array As String("-u root","-pxxxxx#","dbname","> ", "C:\xampp\htdocs\enctrans\Dumps\test.sql" )) It fails with: When I start a batch file via jShell...
  4. Melek

    Android Question Connect Mysql Library Hello, I was following what Erel published, but I do not know how to do it with Shared Web Hosting, for example with Hostinger. I have the Mysql database there, and I activate Remote Mysql for that...
  5. Melek

    Spanish Problema con Webview

    Hola, soy nuevo en B4A, alguien me puede ayudar con el control de WebView, en una pagina web que muestro, hay imágenes y videos, que los videos si cargan, pero no funcionan los controles como el de pantalla completa. Saben si hay alguna forma? Ademas los botones no me funcionan, eso lo note en...
  6. trejocode

    Spanish [RESUELTO] OkHTTPUtils2 - MySQL Bloqueante

    Hola, tengo un problema es que no alcanzo a comprender del todo como "Bloquear" una petición HTTP por que utilizo Wait For (Resumable). Miren el caso: Selecciono mis elementos de mi base de datos local, y luego envío los datos a una API pero no se envían de forma apropiada por que, como es un...
  7. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 3.1 (A look an inline PHP)

    Ola NB: The code here explains the use of parameter based queries for CRUD I have been exploring MySQL with BANano, this was previously done using external PHP files and thus using .CallAjax BANano Calls. This was explained in [BANano] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 1 [BANano] MySQL CRUD with...
  8. 3

    Android Question mysql connection problem

    Hi I'm trying to connect to my sql server from android. I am at the beginning, that is, with the connection and I am already at rest I wrote this with my credentials but it never initializes Sub Button1_Click Dim db As MYSQL Dim L As List...
  9. 3

    Italian Errore connessione DB mysql

    Ciao sto tentando di connettermi al mio sql server da android. sono all' inizio cioè alla connesisone e già sono fermo- Ho scritto questo con le mie credenziali ma non inizializza mai Sub Button1_Click Dim db As MYSQL Dim L As List...
  10. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 2

    Ola Kinda excited that this is starting to form a shape. This second part of the tutorial deals with reading the users from the MySQL users table and then displaying them in a table. The first part we just did an intro into what we intend doing and showed how to 1. CREATE a user 2. READ a...
  11. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 1

    Ola UPDATE 2020-05-19: Please use this library instead [BANAno] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 2 Well, the Business College website I'm creating has a portion of where the potential students need to register online. The data needs to be stored in a MySQL database. I intend to use various php...
  12. G

    Android Question JDBC MySQL

    Is there any way to validate that an INSERT query was succesfull on a remote MySQL database? Other than to then run another query to retrieve the recordset created? e.g. sSQL="INSERT INTO statements_collected(ID, Client, DeviceID) VALUES(" & Crsr.getint("ID") & "," & Main.iUserID & ",'" &...
  13. Mashiane

    Android Tutorial MySQL data to webview using PHP

    Hi there The purpose of this is to demo how one can add, update, read and display mysql database records into a webview. 1. Setting up development environment For this we have used, Xampp with MySQL, BlueStacks android emulator to install and test our apk, some php with CRUD functions etc...
  14. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano]: [SOLVED] Using MySQL / MSSQL with PHP

    Hi there Update: April 8, 2019 Solution [BANAno] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 1 [BANano] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 2 I have an issue that I need to address. I have a backend that I need to speak to from my BANano App, this could either be MySQL or either MSSQL (no decision as yet). I guess...
  15. Guillermo Manoukian

    Spanish JRDC2

    Hola a todos!, soy nuevo en el tema de B4A y estuve revisando un poco varios foros y veo que hablan mucho de JRDC y JRDC2(recomendado), como soy nuevo en esto mi pregunta es si este Middleware que codificó Erel se puede correr en Linux mediante, Apache, Tomcat, Daemon ú otra forma. Alguno tiene...
  16. E

    Spanish EJEMPLOS VARIOS: Modelo cliente-servidor con MySQL, ODBC,ANDROID,WAMP etc.

    Buenas a todos. En este enlace!jKRDXCgT!3BgdgywykwpV4tXfR5A6s7lemuvj0Pl8DUnKajYkB0Q podran descargar un zip con ejemplos de modelo cliente servidor. Veran que no es nada nuevo pero: No fallan con las ñ y acentos. Corren en las versiones ultimas de WAMP (mysql vs msqli) Hay...
  17. R

    Android Question Problem with JRDC2 / java and "Object should first be initialized"

    Hello, I'm facing a big problem with an app developed in B4A already on production, that is driving me crazy. The problem started this morning with no reason. I was working yesterday and sent an update to customer to check everything was ok before upload it to google play. until this morning...
  18. MegatenFreak

    B4J Question Using jSQL to Lock a mySQL table for writing

    Hello. I'm writing an app that allows several computers to add new orders to the database. To avoid any conflicts, I want to make sure that when one system is adding a new list of orders, no others can interrupt and will have to wait for the first one to finish up. I understand that the most...
  19. Julio Montilla

    Android Question Because my apk can not connect my mysql server when I compile in (Release) mode

    I am using the version of b4a 5.80 My code Sub Process_Globals Dim mh1 As MysqlHandler Dim rs1 As ResultSet End Sub Sub conectar mh1.Initialize("", "database", "usuario", "password") If mh1.isConnected= False Then...
  20. KMatle

    B4J Tutorial Updated MySQL & PHP example

    Before you start: You need some experience with php, Apache Servers, OkHttpUtils, Lists, Maps and JSON structures. This is an updated example of how to - communicate with a apache server via OKHttpUtils calling a php script - doing MySQL data requests (Insert, Update and Delete) using...