Android Question 2 machines, same source, different APK sizes


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Longtime User

I noticed this morning that my APK made at home (Win7 32 bit) is 200Kb bigger than when being compiled on this Win8 64 bit.

I thought it was the SDK that was out of sync and it was.

I just updated both machines to the same build tools, repos and google play stuff.

And now the one compiled on this machine is even 300Kb smaller (was 200 before)

The 5 core libs and additional threading lib have the same version number in the lib panel.

Any idea what else might be different?


Licensed User
Longtime User
most changes are in the META-INF & res folder.

in the META-INF file I see tha one uses java 1.7.0_79 and the other one 1.8.0_45

in the res folder are 2 more drawable folders and the filesize of the already existing files are bigger aswell.

should I just upgrade my java 1.7 to 1.8?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I suggest to have IDENTIC configurations... Same JAVA Version, same SDK, same Buildtools...
1.8.0_45 is old... most up to date is 102 or so....
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Licensed User
Longtime User
should I go for the 32 or 64 bit version for the 64 bit machine? or will they spit out the same apk anyway?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
32 bit java jre & sdk on the 32 bit box
64 bit java jre & sdk on the 64 bit box
path changed to the new folders

identical APK files on both machines now (the smallest size)

me happy \o/

thanks guys!
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