Android Code Snippet {Class}wildcardlisting - Get List of Files using WildCards III

Classname: wildcardlisting

Description: Is used to retrieve a list of files that match your wildcard selections from your selected folder/path.

This is an rewitten version of WildCardFilesList II as a Class.
The Class will fire Events when it finishes.

How to use this Class:

Add the file wildcardlisting.bas to your Project using Add exiting module... in the B4A ide

Sub Globals
    Dim wcl As wildcardlisting
End Sub
then initialize the object in activity_create for ex
'Initializes the object "wildcardlisting".
'vCallback  = Reference to Activityobject in which the Events should be fired
'vEventname = prefix for Events to be used

Create Event subs based on the name you give in Initialize (in this case "wcl")

Sub wcl_FilesAndFoldersFinish(DirListing As List, FileListing As List)
    For i = 0 To DirListing.Size -1
    For i = 0 To FileListing.Size -1
End Sub
Sub wcl_DirListingError(error As String)
End Sub
Sub wcl_ListFilesFinish(FileListing As List)
    For i = 0 To FileListing.Size -1
End Sub
Sub wcl_ListFoldersFinish(DirListing As List)
    For i = 0 To DirListing.Size -1
End Sub

you then can use one or more of the following Sub-calls

' It cleares the Dir- and Filelisting lists which will be used in Events
wcl.ListFilesAndFolders(File.DirRootExternal, True, "*.txt",True, True)
' It will fire the Event FilesAndFoldersFinish(DirListing As List, FileListing As List)
' when it finishes
' Lists all found folders and all mathing files
' Path  = Starting path. eg. File.DirRootExternal
' Recursive = use recursive search (true/false)
' Wildcards = wildcards to use to find FILES. It is only effected on files.
'  If using recursive search ALL directorys will be scanned but it
'  will only find those files who matches one of the wildcards.
'  eg: "*.log, *.txt"
'  "*.jpg, *.png"
'  Wildcards is a comma separated list with one or more entries
' Sorted  = The resulting Directory-Listing or File-Listing will be sorted
'  or not (true/false)
' Ascending = The resulting Directory-Listing or File-Listing will be sorted
'  Ascending (true/false)
' The Event DirListingFinish will be fired when it finishes.
' The lists which will returned in this event will be cleared before this sub runs
' The Event DirListingError will be fired when the given path is not Valid

wcl.ListFiles(File.DirRootExternal,True, "*.wmv, *.mp4, *.mpg",True, True)
' It will fire the Event ListFilesFinish(FileListing As List)
' when it finishes
' Lists all mathing files
' Path  = Starting path. eg. File.DirRootExternal
' Recursive = use recursive search (true/false)
' Wildcards = wildcards to use to find FILES. It is only effected on files.
'  If using recursive search ALL directorys will be scanned but it
'  will only find those files who matches one of the wildcards.
'  eg: "*.log, *.txt"
'  "*.jpg, *.png"
'  Wildcards is a comma separated list with one or more entries
' Sorted  = The resulting Directory-Listing or File-Listing will be sorted
'  or not (true/false)
' Ascending = The resulting Directory-Listing or File-Listing will be sorted
'  Ascending (true/false)
' The Event ListFilesFinish will be fired when it finishes.
' The list of files which will returned in this event will NOT be cleared before this sub runs
' The Event DirListingError will be fired when the given path is not Valid
wcl.ListFolders(File.DirRootExternal,True, True, True)
' It will fire the Event ListFoldersFinish(DirListing As List)
'when it finishes
' Lists all folders
' Path  = Starting path. eg. File.DirRootExternal
' Recursive = use recursive search (true/false)
' Sorted  = The resulting Directory-Listing or File-Listing will be sorted
'  or not (true/false)
' Ascending = The resulting Directory-Listing or File-Listing will be sorted
'  Ascending (true/false)
' The Event DirListingFinish will be fired when it finishes.
' The list which will returned in this event will be cleared before this sub runs
' The Event DirListingError will be fired when the given path is not Valid

Dependencies/Libraries: None

Tags: Files, FileList, WildCard, Recursive, File Type, ListFiles, ListFolders, ListDirs, Filtered File Types, Sorted, WildCards

V1.0 09/21/2014
- Initial release


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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi DonManfred and thank you for this great class.
One question. Why when i want only file and i utilize :

wcl.ListFiles(File.DirRootExternal,True, "*.jpg, *.txt, *.*",True, True)

i have directory and file ???

Look here:
** Activity (main) Resume **
Dirlisting.Size = 14
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Resume **
Filelisting.Size = 18
Dirlisting.Size = 14
** Activity (main) Resume **
ListFiles(/storage/sdcard,*.jpg, *.txt, *.*)
Filelisting.Size = 18

Thank you


Licensed User
Longtime User
The event
wcl_ListFoldersFinish is raised every time cause the class needs to get all folders to find the files.

If you dont need the folders ignore the event

BTW: if you dont want to get this event fired... just remove that event sub. it will then not be fired in future
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Robert Valentino

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Found this Bug in code

Private Sub GetDirs(Path As String, Recursive As Boolean, WildCards As String, _
  Sorted As Boolean, Ascending As Boolean, vListFiles As Boolean, vListDirs As Boolean)
   Dim GetCards() As String = Regex.Split(",", WildCards)
  Dim mask As String
   Dim pattern As String
  If File.IsDirectory("", Path) Then
       Dim FilesFound As List = File.ListFiles(Path)                                       ' NOTE: I Found that this line can return a List that is NOT initialized if Directory NOT Accessable

       if  FilesFound.IsInitialized = false then FilesFound.Initialize                   ' NOTE:  Added this line to protect from that

       For i = 0 To FilesFound.Size -1
           If File.IsDirectory(Path,FilesFound.Get(i)) Then
               If vListDirs Then
               End If
               If Recursive Then
                   GetDirs(Path&"/"&FilesFound.Get(i), Recursive, WildCards, Sorted, Ascending, vListFiles, vListDirs)
               End If
           If vListFiles Then
                   For l = 0 To GetCards.Length -1
                 Dim TestItem As String = FilesFound.Get(i)
                       mask = GetCards(l).Trim
                       pattern = "^"&mask.Replace(".","\.").Replace("*",".+").Replace("?",".")&"$"
                       If Regex.IsMatch(pattern,TestItem) = True Then
                       End If
               End If
           End If
       If SubExists(CallBack, EventName & "_DirListingError") Then
           CallSub2(CallBack, EventName & "_DirListingError", "The given path ''"&Path&"'' must be a valid directory.")
           Log("Event sub DirListingError not found")
       End If
   End If
End Sub
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Active Member
Licensed User
Thanks for this code. Helped me a lot.

This was working fine in Windows, but on the Mac it was not returning all files in sub-folders, as the Path separator was hard-coded to "\".

Added a check for OS version in the GetDirs() function,
and replaced with the appropriate the Path Separator, so that it returns all files correctly.

* Also, added a check for Uppercase extensions.

Hope that's OK. :)
The modified code is attached.


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