B4R Question How can i convert a Arduino Libary to B4R


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I have a library that runs perfectly under the Aurdino IDE.

How can I convert it so that it is available under the B4R IDE and can be integrated and used.

If possible, please provide precise instructions, as I am still unable to cope with the internal things of B4R.

Many Thanks



* text translated from German into English with google *

vali khandangoll

Active Member
I have a library that runs perfectly under the Aurdino IDE.

How can I convert it so that it is available under the B4R IDE and can be integrated and used.

If possible, please provide precise instructions, as I am still unable to cope with the internal things of B4R.

Many Thanks



* text translated from German into English with google *
Hi Pucki
I had this problem before and I hardly solved it.
I have explained in detail in one of the previous \Posts.
The solution is described in the image below.


  • image_2021_1_10-23_22_19_669_w9X.jpg
    56.3 KB · Views: 304
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can you share your library?

in fact you have to
1) to extract "public" part or xxx.h file arduino
2) to create a rxxx.cpp file to make convertion of data between arduino library and B4R interface
3) to create a rxxx.h file for interface with B4R
4) and to create rxxx.xml file for management of all functions of this class in B4R

itis not so simple.....
Last edited:
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when I use the attached files with the command
java -jar B4Rh2xml.jar c: \ 4 \ MyPCF8574.h c: \ 4 \ r_my_keyboard.xml
Editing, I get the following error message.

Error parsing: MyPCF8574();
parser._parsemethod (java line: 527)
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "error"
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.parseDouble(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(Unknown Source)
at b4j.example.parser._parsemethod(parser.java:527)
at b4j.example.parser._parseline(parser.java:464)
at b4j.example.parser._parseh(parser.java:422)
at b4j.example.parser._parse(parser.java:267)
at b4j.example.main._appstart(main.java:46)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(BA.java:93)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent(BA.java:84)
at b4j.example.main.main(main.java:29)

I once attached the 3 files.

Maybe someone else can do it. Or knows a library that a keyboard via i2c as pcf8475 can read. The keyboard is a 2 x 4 matrix.




  • my_pcf8574.zip
    1.9 KB · Views: 246
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i don't know if it is what you want, but it is possible to create a wrapper on MyPCF8574 library:

compilations is OK on esp8266, all functions are available on B4R side, next step is to test in real configuration


  • rMyPCF8574.zip
    4.9 KB · Views: 232
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Many Thanks.

Can you "convert" the attached file.

And what are you doing differently than me. ???

Why do I get an error message with the Java command?

I don't want to bother you (or others) all the time, I want to be able to do it myself.

Many thanks in advance.



p.s. : Sorry for my English ist a Translat from google.


  • MyKeypad_I2C.zip
    2.8 KB · Views: 215
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Hi you can use this directly in B4R:

Thanks for the link.
But now I need the other library because the layout is a matrix. And I haven't found anything in b4r that can read out a matrix on an PCF-8574.

But I'll test your link for "normal" PCF-8574 queries.

Greetings Pucki.
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for MyKeypad_I2C library, please to check this version for B4R. (compilation is OK)

to answer at you question, to create a wrapper for B4R, i have to process in 4 steps:
1) extract the public part of the h file
2) create a cpp file for wrapper to make interface between arduino library and B4R constraints
3) create a h file for wrapper
4) and at last create a xml file for B4R interface

and at last creation and compilation of a projecton B4R with all functions of the new library is a way to check search issues in the wrapper.

at last, only a check in real environment with confirm if library is OK or not.


  • rMyKeypad_I2C.zip
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nice project !
if it is working now with B4R, i am happy for you ! 🙂

At first I thought it would work. It Works any Time and then it' s crash.

But it looks like the library has a bug because the program hangs up on the Arduino-Nano (older Board).

Here is my code. It's really crap but I don't know how else I can address a matrix keyboard.

Does anyone have an idea what I can do?

Here's the code.



#Region Project Attributes
    #AutoFlushLogs: True
    #CheckArrayBounds: True
    #StackBufferSize: 300
#End Region
'Ctrl+Click to open the C code folder: ide://run?File=%WINDIR%\System32\explorer.exe&Args=%PROJECT%\Objects\Src

Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Public lcd As LiquidCrystal_I2C
    Public my_keypad As MyKeypad_I2C
    Public taste As Byte
    Dim timer1 As Timer

    'Dim d1pin As D1Pins
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    lcd.Initialize(0x27, 20, 4) 'based on the example from the project.
    lcd.Backlight = True
    lcd.Write("System gestartet")
    my_keypad.setKeyCode(0xEE,1) ' Prg-1
    my_keypad.setKeyCode(0xDE,2) ' Prg-2
    my_keypad.setKeyCode(0xBE,3) ' Reset
    my_keypad.setKeyCode(0x7E,4) ' Pin
    my_keypad.setKeyCode(0x7D,5) ' Start
    my_keypad.setKeyCode(0xBD,6) ' +1
    my_keypad.setKeyCode(0xDD,7) ' +5
    my_keypad.setKeyCode(0xED,8) ' +10
End Sub

Sub timer1_Tick
        taste = my_keypad.receiveKey(1) ' nur 1 x abfragen
        lcd.SetCursor (0,1)
        If taste = 1 Then lcd.Write("Prg-1   ")
        If taste = 2 Then lcd.Write("Prg-2   ")
        If taste = 3 Then lcd.Write("Reset   ")
        If taste = 4 Then lcd.Write("Pin     ")
        If taste = 5 Then lcd.Write("Start   ")
        If taste = 6 Then lcd.Write("+1      ")
        If taste = 7 Then lcd.Write("+5      ")
        If taste = 8 Then lcd.Write("+10     ")
        lcd.SetCursor (0,2)
        lcd.Write(Millis)  ' this stop at crash
End Sub
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Try to write the timer1.Initialize("timer1_Tick",1000) and timer1.Enabled=True to the end of your
AppStart Sub.

i have do it, but its the same as before. The APP run a little time then crash.

The millis counter stop , so i see the app crash.
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i have do it, but its the same as before. The APP run a little time then crash.

The millis counter stop , so i see the app crash.
       If my_keypad.isReady Then
        taste = my_keypad.receiveKey(1) ' nur 1 x abfragen
        lcd.SetCursor (0,1)
        If taste = 1 Then lcd.Write("Prg-1   ")
        If taste = 2 Then lcd.Write("Prg-2   ")
        If taste = 3 Then lcd.Write("Reset   ")
        If taste = 4 Then lcd.Write("Pin     ")
        If taste = 5 Then lcd.Write("Start   ")
        If taste = 6 Then lcd.Write("+1      ")
        If taste = 7 Then lcd.Write("+5      ")
        If taste = 8 Then lcd.Write("+10     ")
        lcd.SetCursor (0,2)
        lcd.Write(Millis)  ' this stop at crash
        End If
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