Tool Layout Documentation Suite

This is an attempt to provide documentation for the B4a layout files, there are three apps in the suite that need to be configured and/or compiled and run.

A B4a template all that needs to be configured by loading the layout you want to report on, and generating it's members into the template.

A B4j jar file that then parses the file and creates a map that can be read when the template app is run.

Once parsed, the B4a template file should be run which then creates a CSV file on the device with as much information as possible about each view. This can be shared by any resource you have installed on your device.

And finally for convenience, a Basic viewer app that will let you Browse the output.

The OutputViews zip file contains a walk-through in PDF format, if you need a different format, let me know.

This is a Beta suite. Please let me know if you get any errors trying to run it. I have tested it on many simple and complex layouts, but there are bound to be exceptions.


Template App: Dialogs, JavaObject, Phone(for sharing), SLColorLookUpTable V1.01, SLReadInputTypes V1

Basic Viewer: Dialogs, JavaObject, SLColorLookUpTable V1.01, SLTagCloud V0.92, SQL, StringUtils V1.02

The file contains the PDF walk-through of the process, the Basic Viewer app , the Template App and the Library SLReadInputTypes.

The just contains the udated template app, if you have already downloaded the rest.

The B4j jar file is too large to upload to the forum, it can be downloaded from here.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
If you've already downloaded it, please download the new version of the TagCloud Library.


Licensed User
Longtime User
V1.01 of the template app provides better support for TabHost, ScrollView and HorizontalScrollView. If you add panels to the Views in the template app, they will be reported as children of that View. If Panels are in the layout file but you don't add them to the View, they will be reported as children of the Activity.