MS SQL Library


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How can I use "ReadRow" to populate a table on a form? Can somebody post an example of this?


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Although this dll seems usefull, it's little hard for a newbie to work with it, without documentation.

My main issue is that i always get a message .."There is already an open DataReader associated with this command which must be closed first." from the LastError unless i open and close connection everytime i want to execute a simply query. I think this is not the right way to retrieve data.

I also don't know how to use any other function instead of Read(fieldname).

It's a pity for such a usefull dll to exist without any help or examples.
If anyone can give any clue i would be thankful.


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Try to examine the SQL Module, wich is a dedicated module to make some usual actions easier...
Also, I am sure, the usage of the DLL, is in acordance of the SQL syntax and procedures...


Licensed User
First of all thank you for your answer.

I know how to handle SQL syntax but i have no experience in .Net nor Basic4ppc. With this library for example, i can't do a Commit although i achieve Update.

From my experience using other application development tools, you create a transaction, you provide the connection strings, you connect and then you execute every command sql supports. When you finish, you disconnect and you destroy the transaction.

These things i can't manage with this library and unfortunately i can't get any help from other modules/libraries because i can't find similar methods.

For my company and me is very importand to connect directly to MSSQL and i can predict that things will be very tough if i don't find any way to manipulate easily this library.

Thanks, anyway.


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I have only worked with mySql, so I am not the best person to help you...
Still, I have some spare time, but also I don't have MSSQL installed....
I would be willing to try and help you out, but I would also need some guide-lines from you,


Licensed User
Thank you for your interest.

If anytime you would give a try with MSSQL you could install MSDE Version or MSSQL Express Edition 2005 and later . Both are free avalaible for download by Microsoft.

To give you a clue i paste a part of my code:

With this code i connect to the database using global string variables that i have already set from an initialization file.

mssql.Open("Persist Security Info=false;Integrated Security=false;Server=" & server & ", " & port &"; initial catalog=" & database & "; user id="& login & "; password=" & pass)

With this code i connect to the database using global string variables that i have already set from an initialization file.

After Open() returns me True i do the following, like in publisher's example:

If connected = True Then
  mssql.ExecuteQuery("Select nickname From Employees Where status = 1")
  Do While mssql.Data
End if

Then if i want to execute another query like an other Select i have to execute:

mssql.Open( first part..)

Maybe i am wrong but i can't find any other solution to work. As you can understand, i can't always connect/disconnect when i want to do a simple Select.

Finaly, i can't execute a Commit too:

Dim execres as Boolean
execres = mssql.ExecuteNonQuery("Update Employees Set status = 0")
If execres = True Then
  execres = mssql.Commit
  if execres = False Then
    Msgbox("Commit Failed.")
  End If
End If

I also can't work with ReadRow, FieldInfo, GetResultSet, BeginTransaction and TransactionDispose.

That's all... :)


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Have you tried to dispose the query?
from #1 Post:
TransactionDispose - returns True or False

From what I understand, the query is not finalized, as it is in MySQL, and therefore gets locked...

I have not yet tried anything, and I'm running out of time for today:)


Licensed User
It's a good idea, but i can't reach until the TransactionDispose because when i execute BeginTransaction and get True, then i can't execute ExecuteQuery successfuly because it returns False as a result.

Anyway, thanks for your help.


Licensed User
Today i am trying to use transactions to see if i am wrong.

So i connect to the database:

Dim connected As Boolean
connected = mssql.Open("Persist Security Info=false;Integrated Security=false;Server=" & server & ", " & port &"; initial catalog=" & database & "; user id="& login & "; password=" & pass)

I Get connected = True.

Then i try to begin a transaction:

Dim result As Boolean
result = mssql.BeginTransaction

I also get result = True.

So, i am connected and i have create a transaction and i execute a query:
Dim execresult As Boolean
execresult = mssql.ExecuteQuery("Select nickname from Employees Where status = 1")

I always get execresult = False.

After that i check mssql.LastError and i get:
ExecuteReader requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction.  The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized.

What i do wrong?

I tryied to get a clue at MSDN at System.Data.SqlClient Namespace SqlConnection.BeginTransaction Method (System.Data.SqlClient) but i didn't.



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I've poked around inaside the library with Reflector and I'm afraid that it doesn't appear to allow transactions to work properly. In the example code at your link it shows

        // Must assign both transaction object and connection
        // to Command object for a pending local transaction
        command.Connection = connection;
        command.Transaction = transaction;
However the library is not assigning a transaction object to the command object this hence your error is correct. It looks like the library was not fully tested :(

EDIT :- I've just noticed in the first post that it states "In particular the BeginTransaction and related functions are not fully tested."


Licensed User
Yes i know that this library is not official and has bugs, but it seems that citywest has not loged in for a year. So probably this dll is restricted to the use of "Open - ExecuteQuery - Close" everytime someone wants to select/update/etc, which makes me consider using Basic4PPC for commercial use.

Anyway, thank you for your time and i hope Basic4PPC will make an official update with direct MSSQL support in the future because it seems a nice and friendly tool for someone to start developing to PPCs.


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Try this library. I've disassembled the original and recompiled it with some fixes. I've removed BuildResultSet and GetResultSet as I didn't like what they were doing and you shouldn't need them anyway.

I am not a database programmer but this library is a very thin wrapper over System.Data.SqlClient so if you know what you want I can probably add it.


    2.8 KB · Views: 31


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Andrew to the rescue!!!!:sign0060:

Just one note.
If this is to evolve to be a full grown dll, You should consider dropping the original name, and append your own, as you usually do.
Also, start a new thread for this....
SQLEx has a nice ring to it, do'nt you think?
And this way, it's another adition to the dll list.


Licensed User
Well agraham you really made me smile with your reply. :)

This time, i connect ok, i begin transcation ok, i execute query ok (this was False previously), i read the data ok.

After that, i execute another query without closing connection or transaction and i also get True but Data seem to be False and empty. I don't know if after first query execution should somehow 'empty' the data.

I don't really know how System.Data.SqlClient works but something like Rowcount for the rows returned or Readrow(row) to read the row you want, would be usefull.

However i think that if someone could execute many sql commands (select/update/etc..) with one connection and could execute commit and rollback then the job is almost done.

P.s. BuildResultSet i think that is useful to return the rows retrieved.

Thank you agraham, you are very helpful, not only for me!


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Longtime User
I noticed that I omitted to add the transaction to ExecuteNonQuery so I now have. Also I've removed the Rows property as it was meaningless without BuildResultSet.

Although I can't see why that DataReader error might occur I have checked and closed it anyway before making a new one in ExecuteQuery.


    2.8 KB · Views: 21


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Now when i execute a select i get True but While mssql.Data = true the Read command returns me "#ERROR#" infinitely. I hope i didn't something wrong. I haven't changed the code that i do the testing.


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I hope i don't get annoying for sending my feedback.

Now both queries return data after the BeginTransaction! :)

After that i tryied to do a TransactionDispose but i get False.
I also tryied after second Select to do an Update but it failed returning that "There is already an open DataReader associated with this command which must be closed first."
I think that when a transaction begins, it can contain and update/insert/delete functions too.

Maybe if the TransactionDispose would return True then Update would succeed too.

Good job!


Licensed User
Well done my friend!

Now TransactionBegin and TransactionDispose return True. Also ExecuteQuery and ExecuteNonQuery return True and Commit works great!
I think this dll must be pinned because now works fine, regarding the little testing i did.

Good job agraham, you solved a case that seemed to have been closed.

Thank you very much.