Android Question Samsung Note 10+ AutoScaleAll Problem


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I'm back... Darned Samsung phones... Again, I'm missing something. I've got a simple layout.. Just buttons, B4Xplusminus and labels. Looks great on Samsung A11 and S10. Looks like crap on Samsung Note 10+. I've gone through Erel's tutorials on Visual Designer and searched this forum on autoscaling between differing phone screen sizes. Nothing added in the Designer script. Only AutoScaleAll entry. This cannot possibly be complicated and rather than reinvent the wheel, I'm looking for some direction from the more experienced of you on this forum. Again, I'm handicapped as the customer has the Note 10+ and I don't physically have one in the shop. My thought is that to fix this, I must have a physical phone to work with. I've included screen shots with hopes that one of you will slap me into shape here. Thanks in advance for the assistance.


  • samsungA11.jpg
    157 KB · Views: 201
  • samsungNote10.jpg
    419.7 KB · Views: 209


Licensed User
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ScaleAll scales the views sizes but font sizes must be managed manually.... search the forum, this is quite a recurrent issue
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Thanks Cableguy and klaus.. I think you've jogged me into a direction that I was hoping I would not have to take. I will need to manually manipulate the font sizes...
Klaus.. Sorry for the lack of info.. One variant .. did not modify AutoScaleRate.. From the specs, the Note is 6.3 inches and the A11 is 7 inches...

I'll search a bit more deeply and see if I can't get this problem behind me. I was assuming that the AutoScaleAll worked against the text and the views.. We all know what "assume" really means :)

Thanks again for the quick replies.. You guys rock!
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Screen size is not at play here. It's more a resolution/density (dip?) Value issues
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Longtime User
Hi, Cableguy
Thanks for the insight. I realize adding multiple variants to a design is not always a good idea. So, as I don't have the physical phone, would it be prudent to attempt to lay out a Note 10+ variant in Designer, position the buttons, etc. and then modify the Designer script to handle a Note 10 when it's screen values are detected??
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Longtime User
You can try out the device cloud... "under "Tools" --> "Send to UI cloud"
after a few seconds you can have a glimpse of how it will look like on the most popular screen sizes/resolutions...
The screen renditions are of REAL deavices.
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Well-Known Member
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Samsung seem to be the leaders in releasing devices with never before seen aspect ratios. The Note 10+ is 19:9 & the new S20 is 19.5:9. Over the past couple of years I've had to tweak layouts to allow for 18.5:9, 19:9 & now I have S20 users reporting some of the layouts are not good on the 19.5:9 devices. Also, later versions of Android have a Display Size option that can screw with your layout if the user changes it to something other than the default setting.

- Colin.
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Licensed User
Screen size is not at play here. It's more a resolution/density (dip?) Value issues
For me it was a different-aspect-ratio issue. The scaling factor is calculated on an average of both width and height, and consequently if one dimension changed size less than the other, then stuff would fall off that edge of the screen.

My solution in the end was to write my own rescale-all routine that did multi-master interpolation from four layouts (small-tall, small-wide, large-tall, large-wide). Worked like a charm. The hardest bit was forcing specific layouts to load in order to extract their coordinates.
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