Java Question Sunmi Wrapper for NFC tag reader

Does anyone want to wrap these that we can use the libary they are for the NFC read on the sunmi devices not sure how to get them to work on B4A. If so please call me on +27 84 944 6808 will to pay


  • PayLib-release-1.4.57-sources.jar
    166.6 KB · Views: 187

I trying to get the code below to work in bfa taking from here to get sunmi device to works

/** bind PaySDK service */
public void bindPaySDKService() {
final SunmiPayKernel payKernel = SunmiPayKernel.getInstance();
payKernel.initPaySDK(this, new SunmiPayKernel.ConnectCallback() {
public void onConnectPaySDK() {
LogUtil.e(Constant.TAG, "onConnectPaySDK...");
emvOptV2 = payKernel.mEMVOptV2;
basicOptV2 = payKernel.mBasicOptV2;
pinPadOptV2 = payKernel.mPinPadOptV2;
readCardOptV2 = payKernel.mReadCardOptV2;
securityOptV2 = payKernel.mSecurityOptV2;
taxOptV2 = payKernel.mTaxOptV2;
etcOptV2 = payKernel.mETCOptV2;
printerOptV2 = payKernel.mPrinterOptV2;
connectPaySDK = true;

public void onDisconnectPaySDK() {
LogUtil.e(Constant.TAG, "onDisconnectPaySDK...");
connectPaySDK = false;
emvOptV2 = null;
basicOptV2 = null;
pinPadOptV2 = null;
readCardOptV2 = null;
securityOptV2 = null;
taxOptV2 = null;
etcOptV2 = null;
printerOptV2 = null;


Licensed User
Longtime User
You need to write a wrapper with java for this library to use it in B4A

Alternatively you can use JavaObject.

Both needs some java knowledge
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