B4R Library TM1637 - 4 digits display


Based on this open source project: https://github.com/avishorp/TM1637

Timer example:
Sub Process_Globals
   Public Serial1 As Serial
   Private tm As TM1637Display
   Private timer1 As Timer
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
   tm.Initialize(2, 3)
   timer1.Initialize("timer1_Tick", 1000)
   timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub Timer1_Tick
   tm.ShowNumberDec2(Millis / 1000, True, 4, 0)
End Sub

CLK - 2 (can be changed)
DIO - 3 (can be changed)
VCC - 5v
GND - Ground

V1.20 (updated by rwblinn): https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/tm1637-4-digits-display.67733/#post-477687


  • rTM1637.zip
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Library updated to v1.20.
It allows to set the display brightness or turn the display on / off.

' Set the brightness between 0 (low) - 7 (high)
Private Brightness As Int = 3
tm.SetBrightness(Brightness, True)

' Turn the display OFF
tm.SetBrightness(Brightness, False)

' Turn the display ON
tm.SetBrightness(Brightness, True)


  • rTM1637-1.2.zip
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Hi. Is this for arduino only or it also work for esp8266?
In addition to an Arduino, tested successfully below snippet with an ESP8266 NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module).

TM1637 (DFRobot) = ESP8266 NodeMCU 1.0

CLK = Pin D2 GPIO4
DIO = Pin D5 GPIO14
VCC = Pin 3V3

Snippet Blinking Number:
Sub Process_Globals
    Public serialLine As Serial
    Private tmDisplay As TM1637Display
    Private PINCLK As Byte = 4        'GPIO4 = Pin D2
    Private PINDIO As Byte = 14        'GPIO14 = Pin D5
    Private BRIGHTNESS As Byte = 7
    Private timerBlinking As Timer
    Private TIMERBLINKING_INTERVAL As ULong = 2000
    Private displayOn As Boolean = False
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    tmDisplay.Initialize(PINCLK, PINDIO)
    timerBlinking.Initialize("TimerBlinking_Tick", TIMERBLINKING_INTERVAL)
    timerBlinking.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub TimerBlinking_Tick
    displayOn = Not(displayOn)
    tmDisplay.SetBrightness(BRIGHTNESS, displayOn)
    If displayOn Then
        Dim numberValue As Int = Rnd(0,99)
        tmDisplay.ShowNumberDec2(numberValue, False, 2, 2)
        tmDisplay.ShowNumberDec2(0, False, 2, 2)
    End If
End Sub


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HI guys. I am struggling with the dots. I tried two different modules one very small with apparently only the column dots and that one I can activate the dots. the other module is bigger and has the 4 decimal dots and the ":" column between the 2nd and the 3rd digit. with this module I was hoping to be able to activate the decimal dots
I tried to activate the small dots but even if I tried all the possible masks, the only dots I can activate are the ":" in the middle. even if I call the "ShowNumberDec3" with the 0xFF parameter which I was expecting to activate all the 4 small dots plus the column. any ides?


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try following masks:
0.000 = 0x80
00.00 = 0x40
000.0 = 0x20 = 0x10

Unfortunate, I do not have a TM1637 with dots or dots+colon, only a TM1637 with single colon (3642BH), but have tested on a TM1638, which has two TM1637 with dots (3641AH). The code used for the TM1638 (Library rTM1638):
'Display the dots from right to left (d=Dot): 0d1d2d3d 4d5d6d7d
'Define the dots from right to left
Dim DOTS() As Byte = Array As Byte (0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80)
Dim i As Int
For i = 0 To DOTS.Length - 1
   'Log("Dot ",i,"=", DOTS(i))
   tm.SetDisplayToDecNumber(99999999, DOTS(i), False)


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sorry for late reply. still fighting with the dots..they just won't switch on regardless the dot mask..only the ":" seems to work..